
Tagged: Small molecules

In an ever-changing regulatory environment, the BBCR team of specialists in Orphan and Personalized Medicine can help clients identify areas of need or economic interest – and helps secure opportunities for treatments for rare diseases and precision medicine.

June 6th, 2022 | Small molecules

BBCR helps orphan drug developers find direction in clinical trials involving biologics, biosimilars, small molecules, medical devices, and repurposing. BBCR consultants have the experience to guide you through the development process with a clinical plan and a regulatory strategy. Our team will empower you with medical insight, effective regulatory expertise, strategy, and streamlined early clinical […]

Small molecule mediated targeting provides alternative strategies for polypharmacology, systems biology and personalized medicine.

September 7th, 2021 | Small molecules

Most ongoing research and clinical programs have precision medicine at the core. BBCR can assist in a number of areas in relation to precision medicine, including small molecule research, including: Strategic drug assessment Early Clinical Development Regulatory consultant FDA meeting and submission Pre-IND integrated development plan Clinical consultant Clinical study design and protocol CRO and […]

BBCR Specializes in Orphan and Personalized Medicine helping orphan drug developers find direction in clinical trials involving biologics, biosimilars, small molecules, medical devices, and repurposing.

December 21st, 2020 | Small molecules

We help to Identify areas of need or economic interest that can help companies find homes for treatments for rare diseases and precision medicine. Developing drugs for rare diseases and precision medicine indications can be rewarding, but navigating the challenges is not for the faint of heart. Expert guidance is essential in an area where […]

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