
Tagged: Project remediation and rescue

BBCR’s team of experts help clients match treatments to rare genetic conditions and unsolved diseases, then work cohesively with a product developer on the best plan to market.

May 4th, 2022 | Project remediation and rescue

Did you know that about a third of orphan approvals by the FDA since the program began have been mostly for repurposed mass-market drugs? Drug repurposing acts to lower the need for early stage clinical trials and can help identify new uses for existing drugs. We invite you to learn more about how BBCR can […]

Small molecule mediated targeting provides alternative strategies for polypharmacology, systems biology and personalized medicine.

September 7th, 2021 | Project remediation and rescue

Most ongoing research and clinical programs have precision medicine at the core. BBCR can assist in a number of areas in relation to precision medicine, including small molecule research, including: Strategic drug assessment Early Clinical Development Regulatory consultant FDA meeting and submission Pre-IND integrated development plan Clinical consultant Clinical study design and protocol CRO and […]

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