
Tagged: Immune system

COVID-19 Severity and Immune Response Tied to Gut Bacteria

January 27th, 2021 | Immune system

Scientists report that gut microorganisms in COVID-19 patients were very different from those in uninfected individuals and lack of good bacteria that regulate our immune system. The presence of an abnormal gut bacteria persists after the virus is gone and may be responsible of the long-lasting symptoms in some patients. In addition, reduction of inflammation […]

How to shape clinical plan and study design to test how microbiome shapes immunity.

February 27th, 2020 | Immune system

The gut microbiome serves many useful functions in the body, but it can also rev up the immune system in harmful ways. Zit has been pustulated that Diet can influence the microbiome and the mucosal immune response. In the paper: “Diet modulates colonic T cell responses by regulating the expression of a Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron antigen,” Sci Immunol, 4:eaau9079, […]

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