
Tagged: clinical trials

Cell and Gene therapy are the new frontiers in the fight against devastating diseases, including rare diseases and cancers.

February 28th, 2023 | clinical trials

Clinical trial results have been promising, and the next generation of Cell and Gene therapies holds tremendous promise for many patients and families. The development of Cell and Gene Therapies is challenging due to complex study designs, adequately monitoring of adverse reactions, long-term immune response and safety follow-up. BBCR has successfully delivered cost-effective clinical plans […]

RWE can accelerate approval timelines and reduce drug development costs as long as sponsor companies carefully uphold established evidence and engage in early dialogue with the FDA.

January 19th, 2023 | clinical trials

Real-world evidence (RWE) is increasingly important in clinical trial design and drug approval. RWE is clinical evidence related to patient health status and treatment safety and efficacy that are generated in clinical practice. BBCR’s team understands the role RWE plays for Natural History in Rare Diseases. We invite you to be in touch to learn […]

Clinical trials are time-consuming, expensive, and often burdensome on patients. Clinical trials can fail for many reasons. Our experience provides an understanding of these reasons and offers insights into opportunities for improving the likelihood of creating and executing successful clinical trials.

November 16th, 2022 | clinical trials

The Trial Management That Addresses Risks Experienced management address risks such as: Delayed enrollment Multiple protocol amendments Poor patient retention Poor data quality Prolonged trial completion timeline Poor safety monitor Let BBCR Consulting assist in your clinical trial strategy. Reach out to us to learn more about how we can help.

Strategic Consulting and the SCIO Process – Paving the Way for Drug Development

July 19th, 2022 | clinical trials

SCIO is critical for accelerating approval and significantly reducing the costs of drug and medical device development. One of the major challenges facing this industry is the rising cost of clinical trials. Thus, it is crucial to ensure that trials are significantly more efficient and cost-effective with the involvement of strategy at the time of […]

BBCR can help medical device companies with clinical data strategy from conception to market, from preparing due-diligence ready datasets for funders to post-marketing safety surveillance for regulatory authorities.

July 6th, 2022 | clinical trials

Medical devices have their own special complications as it relates to clinical trials. We work closely with each client to bring device innovation to market faster and more affordably. Working with the BBCR team will help that streamlines clinical trials and help you get through the process faster and more efficiently. BBCR consulting offers the […]

BBCR consultants have the experience to guide you through the development process with a clinical plan and a regulatory strategy. We invite to reach out to learn more.

December 29th, 2021 | clinical trials

Specializing in rare disease, Boston Biotech Clinical Research works with biotech, pharmaceutical, device companies and investors to streamline the clinical trial process. We understand that navigating the rare disease development process requires expert guidance. BBCR can assist in the following areas: Biologics Biosimilars Small Molecules Medical Devices Drug Repurposing Why the SCIO? Clinical trials are […]

BBCR has developed an approach to meet the challenges of researchers and innovators seeking a clearer path to market. Learn more about the advantages of our Strategic Clinical Innovation Organization (SCIO) concept.

December 15th, 2021 | clinical trials

We aim to transform the transition stage between pre-clinical and clinical endpoints with smart strategy that, at a minimum, redirects the costs to benefit patients. The FDA has been calling for a smarter, more innovative approach, and we believe SCIO is the integrative, multidisciplinary approach to deliver it. Why SCIO? Investing in Strategy Accelerate Patient […]

Medical device companies need to think about clinical data strategy from conception to market, from preparing due-diligence ready datasets for funders to post-marketing safety surveillance for regulatory authorities. BBCR can help.

November 22nd, 2021 | clinical trials

Medical devices have their own special complications as it relates to clinical trials. We work closely with each client to bring device innovation to market faster and more affordably. Working with the BBCR team will help that streamlines clinical trials and help you get through the process faster and more efficiently. March 2021, the FDA […]

BBCR works with clients beyond consulting, to create cost-effective clinical trials and strategies that nurture product strengths

November 11th, 2021 | clinical trials

Streamlined Clinical Development Strategies Our experienced team helps each client reach their specific goals by customizing a clinical and regulatory road map of simplified programs and streamlined protocols to meet our clients’ requirements. Specializing in rare disease, Boston Biotech Clinical Research works with biotech, pharmaceutical, device companies and investors to streamline the clinical trial process. […]

Understanding how a Strategic Clinical Innovation Organization can help streamline the clinical trial process.

October 13th, 2021 | clinical trials

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