Trial Management that addresses risks The experienced trial management address risks such as: Scarce enrollment Multiple protocol amendments Poor patient retention Poor data quality Prolonged trial completion timeline Poor safety monitor
Trial Management
Trial failures can arise from factors such as failing to maintain suitable protocols, being unable to follow FDA guidance, complex procedures for participating patients, slow recruitment, lack of efficacy, safety issues, and/or insufficient funding to complete a trial. BBCR experts provide an understanding of the reasons a trial failed and offer insights to create and execute successful clinical trial management protocols and CRO management.
May 16th, 2023 | Trial ManagementOur CRO Management services reduce trial costs while achieving high data quality. BBCR takes a SCIO approach to CRO management that efficiently communicates back to senior management meeting the needs of the new economy and the needs of patients and shareholders.
September 28th, 2021 | Trial ManagementBBCR takes a SCIO approach to CRO management that efficiently communicates back to senior management meeting the needs of the new economy and the needs of patients and shareholders. BBCR focuses on providing biotech and pharmaceutical companies with an assortment of services tailored to support clinical development programs transitioning from pre-clinical into Phase II PoC […]
BBCR embraces innovative strategy consulting for effective clinical development plan and regulatory strategy. Reach out today to learn more about how we can help advance your project.
September 15th, 2021 | Trial ManagementOur industry needs innovative strategies, and reduced-risk clinical trials. BBCR clinical development services and drug development consulting integrates real world evidence into clinical development plans and regulatory strategies. Focus must go to cost containment and value-based developments that allow sponsors to move more treatments to market faster. BBCR’s team expertise in rare diseases and precision […]