Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and others, cause neuronal degradation, resulting in progressive brain function deterioration.
Although our understanding of neurodegenerative disease mechanisms is still in its relative infancy, scientists pursue understanding of neurodegenerative disease pathogenesis and development that paves identification of new potential therapeutic and treatment approaches.
Neurodegenerative diseases often share similar histopathological presentations, such as beta-amyloid (Aβ), tau, α-synuclein.
Imaging techniques such as mass spectrometry-based molecular imaging help to determine in situ protein, lipid, metabolite, and peptide profiles. Knowing how different proteins can be active at different times should allow us to diagnose neurodegenerative disorders before they become symptomatic.
These proteins are very challenging to work with because they can be either monomers or oligomers, but also intrinsically disordered (without a rigid 3D structure), o misfolded.
Regardless these challenges, researchers are making progress by the day.
Specializing in rare disease, Boston Biotech Clinical Research works with biotech, pharmaceutical, device companies and investors to streamline the clinical trial process. Our experienced team helps each client reach their specific goals by customizing a clinical and regulatory road map of simplified programs and streamlined protocols to meet our clients’ requirements.