Clinical Research Consulting

BBCR Embraces Innovative Consulting Strategies for Effective Clinical Plans and Product Development

Our industry needs innovative strategies and reduced-risk clinical trials. BBCR innovative strategy consulting integrates real-world evidence into clinical plans and regulatory strategies. The focus must be cost containment and value-based developments that allow sponsors to move more treatments to market faster. BBCR’s team expertise in rare diseases and precision medicine combined with the SCIO SM method helps to streamline trials for swift regulatory approvals.

Designed primarily to meet regulatory requirements for therapies targeting large patient populations, the existing development model lacks the flexibility, analytical power, and efficiency to address today’s development demands. These include managing product pipelines targeting small and heterogeneous populations, meeting rising standards of evidence from payers moving towards value-based reimbursement models, and addressing the patient’s growing role in care decisions.

With development cycles becoming too long, trial complexity increasing, and greater scrutiny of the economic value of new treatments, pharma R&D business models are under significant pressure to improve R&D efficiency.

From Preclinical into Phase I and POC

BBCR specializes in the strategy and delivery of early-phase clinical development service to enable informed, timely decision-making for our clients.

With expertise in preclinical/Phase I and POC, we incorporate scientific excellence and product development strategy in all that we do. We have the experience to address the most demanding drug development challenges with an unyielding focus on completing projects on time, on budget, and with the quality that will withstand the most vigorous scrutiny.


We Improve R&D Efficiency

  • Clinical Gap Analyses
  • Indications Analysis and Prioritization
  • Strategic Drug Assessment
  • Trial Design and Protocol
  • Medical Monitoring
  • Study Remediation and Rescue

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